
A town full of character, overlooking a rugged blue bay!
The name Ardglass comes from the Irish words ‘Ard Ghlais’, meaning ‘green height’. This name stems from an ancient time when the town was encircled by seawater. Sitting in a natural inlet and surrounded by green hills, the harbour has been a safe haven for fishing boats for hundreds of years. Today, Ardglass is one of Northern Ireland’s busiest fishing ports and is home to an exciting selection of tasty lunch spots!

In the 1800s, boats from around the British Isles would use Ardglass harbour as a base, whilst following fish on their seasonal migration. The herring fishery is still active, but ring and drift nets have now been replaced by specialist trawlers. Herring is a really great option, as stocks in the Irish Sea are healthy and fishing levels are well within sustainable levels. Herring is a delicious, flavourful fish, often cured in salt or smoked, or served as kippers! It’s also similar to mackerel, which makes it a great substitute for mackerel recipes! To find out what you can make with herring, explore these mackerel recipes, and simply replace with herring.
Herring & Baked Sweet Potato
- 2 smoked herring fillets, flaked
- 2 medium sized sweet potatoes (or regular potatoes if you prefer)
- 1 tsp. olive oil
- Small bunch of dill, chopped
- 1 tsp. wholegrain mustard
- 4 tbsp. fat-free plain yoghurt
- Pinch of paprika, plus extra to garnish
- Black pepper, to taste
- 2 handfuls of mixed leaves, to serve

- Heat the oven to 180°C/160°C fan/gas mark 4.
- Brush the potatoes with the oil and bake for 40-50 minutes, until tender and soft.
- Mix the rest of the ingredients (except the mixed leaves) together and season well with black pepper. Pile into the baked sweet potato, sprinkling with extra paprika and serving with the mixed leaves.